baconのインスタグラム(bacon_the_piglet) - 3月28日 06時17分

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I mourn the passing of my best pig friend @yungswinetheo . Friday night Theodore served as a savior pig. His oinking and squealing in the middle of the night woke his family up to a fire that was quickly spreading throughout his house. As his family members rushed to find him, it was too late. The flames had engulfed the room and his mom was burned trying to save him. Theodore served as the fire alarm that saved his family, when he couldn't be saved himself. Theo exemplifies what we pigs all strive to be; selfless, loving, and loyal. Although he was very tiny in stature, he had the heart of a wild boar. Theo never backed down to anyone, even to pigs twice his size (me)! He was the best pig friend I could ever ask for and I'll never forget all the good times we had, and the ruckus we caused together. Theo will be remembered by all as a hero pig and a loving companion who wanted nothing more than some Cheerios and a fluffy blanket.🐷 Theo I'll see you again in little piggy heaven. Till then I'll miss you little bruh 🐖🐽 Donations to the family can be made to:


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