ミシェル・オバマのインスタグラム(michelleobama44) - 12月30日 06時57分

“I’m proud to say that I’m a veteran who has overcome homelessness. I joined the Army when I was 18 years old. I wanted to get away from home and that was the easy way of doing it. In 1967, I ended up joining the Navy, and two months later I was in Vietnam. When I got out in ‘69, I moved to Connecticut and got a job making parts for jet engines. After that ended I got into truck driving. I drove all over the country. I retired in 1988 and pitter-pattered around at different jobs. I bounced between houses, staying with relatives, but didn’t really have a place to call my own. I got to DC the train lost my luggage. I didn't have anything but the pants I was wearing and about $15 in my pocket. I was at Union Station about four days before I realized, ‘Whoa, I'm homeless.’ Once that sunk in I went out, bought a sleeping bag, and there I was.
I lived on the street for about a month, getting up every day with nothing to do but walk, walk, walk. My leg swelled up from all the walking so I went to a clinic. The nurse there said, ‘I got somewhere for you to go.’ And she brought me to the VA, where I got placed in temporary housing, and they said they were going to place me in a permanent house. On Friday I signed a lease and got the keys to my apartment at a center in DC that offers affordable housing to homeless and low-income people. Now that I've got my stuff moved in and can cook my own food, I can start working on my own dream: moving to Florida.” –Wendell, 74 years old. Watch Wendell's story unfold and bring him to the @The White House on @Viceland tonight at 10 pm ET. #JoiningForces


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