イングリッド・ニールセンのインスタグラム(ingridnilsen) - 5月20日 04時33分

Starting a new book is kind of like dating. Sometimes it’s a slow build, sometimes you’re just not interested, and sometimes you fall fast and hard. For me, Stray is in that last category. I was consumed with every word on every page. Unlike some memoirs, it’s not linear. Reading this book is like riding a wave of Stephanie Danler’s memories. She meets you at 31, living alone for the first time after a divorce. Honesty is her specialty. It’s woven into all the vignettes of her life – from the fraught relationship with her parents, to the pain that followed her as an adult. This is a book I’m STILL thinking about a month after finishing it, not because it was full of answers, but because Stephanie so bravely steps into the space of *not* knowing. That is the magic of this book. Reading this was a true pleasure and gift. Thank you @smdanler for giving us something beautiful to get lost in ✨ Everyone else: STRAY IS OUT NOW! GET THIS BOOK IF YOU CAN! ADD IT TO YOUR LIST! READ IT WITH A FRIEND! DO ALL THE THINGS! 📚 ALSO: a giveaway is happening over on the @onesteppodcast IG! TWO people will be getting a copy of Stray, so make sure to follow and enter ASAP! 🤗


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