Cory Richardsのインスタグラム(coryrichards) - 2月10日 04時06分

As soon as we are trying to “practice non attachment”, we are already off course. We are rejecting our authentic experience. Practicing non attachment is detaching from reality. Pop-culture pseudoscientific spiritualism uses non attachment as a form of emotional bypassing: a rejection of the authentic human experience. Non attachment is not how the brain functions. That’s a story we don’t get to choose. Instead, when we arrive at “it is”, we slowly divorce ourselves from outcomes. It requires practice and patience. To be attached is to be human. We are literally and physically born attached to our mothers. It’s what creates strong, healthy bonds. We need attachment to survive. Emotional attachment is an evolutionary necessity, and all attachment is emotional. Unhealthy attachments are those that reject our deepest truths and side step what is. By giving the authentic experience a voice, we exchanged the pursuit of non attachment (fighting against ourselves) for deep authenticity (aligning with experience). That doesn’t mean we won’t suffer. We will. I’d argue that Buddha was not free from suffering sitting under a tree. He suffered deeply. He saw it clearly, felt it, and accepted it moment by moment. He didn’t manifest a better future. Each moment “manifested” naturally, leading to authentic non attachment. “It is”, no matter how uncomfortable, is authentic presence. Bypassing what “is” by chasing non attachment is, quite frankly, a bullshit trope that prolongs suffering. Being authentic doesn’t keep us stuck in sadness. Instead, it moves us through it. If I want to not be in pain, I first need to accept, really really accept that I am in pain and embrace it, moment by moment. Emotions are necessary and we actually can’t choose to simply step out of them. It’s a form of self betrayal. They will always come back in a different way at a later date. Instead, we choose to step into them. I’m quite comfortable being attached. When I admit to my attachments and engage with the suffering and joy they bring, I become less concerned with outcomes and I think this is called non attachment. Stop trying to “practice non attachment”. It’s like running after the horizon.


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