カリディー・イングリッシュのインスタグラム(carideeenglish) - 8月21日 12時53分

To be honest, for 2 weeks this month I hit a “major depressive episode.” My first big one in years.
I thought that when I quit drinking, rehabilitated my mental health and started healing, the risk for a MDE was gone. Turns out with the wrong outside factor I could. 🤍

I’m not talking about being sad or down. Those I’ve come across plenty, this is life 😌

I’m shedding light on a clinical diagnoses, that Id like to share with you, or someone you love. We are stronger in the battle of mental health conversations together 💕

The start of it had me in bed for 4 days straight. When I could start to see the light again, however small it was, I started clawing my way to it. 🪜 💡

I was able to reach family/friends, doctor, workout ( cried during it lol ) find support groups online that talked about the recovery from a major episode.
All these helped tremendously, little by little over the weeks 🌈

Now that my light is back on, I want you to know that even though these pics from this weekend show me as I am now, celebrating life, it’s not how it always is. 💋

Anyone in it, trust me that it gets better, and when you feel even a splinter of relief, do your best to make that grow a little more each day, even when it hurts to. 🖤

You will dance again 🥰



>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



