庄司夏子のインスタグラム(natsuko.ete) - 9月23日 12時45分

ドイツ・ベルリンで開催された世界的なオリーブオイル品評会で、882本のオリーブオイルの中から最高ランク一位を受賞、アテネ、ロンドン,モンテカルロで開催されたロンドン国際オリーブオイルコンペティションで、それぞれ最高ランクを獲得した 日本が世界に誇る国産オリーブオイル 安芸の島の実 江田島搾り@akinoshimanomi 共にオリーブオイルを開発しました。




“A tribute to nature and to the future of the producers.”

Compared to ripe olives, only a very small amount of oil can be extracted from the green fruit. The average olive oil yield for this oil is only 6.8%, and it takes 2.67 kg of fruit to extract one bottle (200 ml) of oil. Each olive is carefully extracted from a single, blemish-free fruit grown on a small farm, and blended by @ete.restaurant and @akinoshimanomi with our keen senses to produce a unique and rare olive oil.

The Setouchi area is facing a serious problem of abandonment of cultivation due to the aging of citrus growers. We are trying to revitalize the region by revitalizing the beautiful and fertile soil through olive cultivation. We love Japanese ingredients and want to share their excellence with as many people as possible. This bottle is the culmination of the chef's desire to create the world's finest dining experience.

Profits from the sales of this project will be used to restore the Setouchi area, where the problem of abandoned cultivation is becoming more serious due to the aging of producers.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



