クロエ・カーダシアンのインスタグラム(khloekardashian) - 10月22日 00時48分

God doesn't intend for anyone to handle all life has to offer by ourselves. Luckily I didn’t have to look far for my people. We were destined to be together. He knew what He was doing. We need each other. I need you and I was blessed with you on this very special day!

The Keeks to my KoKo

To the girl who has many superpowers, Happy Birthday!

In my eyes, you are a superhero. I’ve never seen anyone remain as calm as you can in the most chaotic of situations. I’ve never seen anyone be able to navigate through life as clearheaded as you have. Let me name a FEW of your super powers …. resilience, calmness, manifesting anything and everything, shapeshifting into anything you want to be… lawyer, friend, sister, daughter, mommy, CEO, medical advisor, media relations officer. I can go on and on but some of your shapeshifting abilities I need to keep to myself. Ha!

Seriously though, I feel so blessed to have you as my sister and best friend. You’ve taught me that Nothing can break us unless we allow it to, but everything can strengthen us if we are willing to take on that battle. You have gracefully fought many battles and you have become stronger because of them.
You inspire me daily. You motivate me to be better.
You and I until the end kiddo. I ride for you. By your side until the end. I would do ANYTHING for you. Absolutely ANYTHING. I won't even ask questions. Ha! I'll follow you blindly wherever you go to support and protect you. I'll be right there on the sidelines cheering you on or ready to throw down if need be. I proudly and honorably got you until time runs out. Never forget that in all lifetimes, I got you!
I love you infinitely my sister soulmate!!
Forever and always my baby! @キム・カーダシアン


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