トーヴ・ローのインスタグラム(iamtovelo) - 8月7日 10時46分

psa// everything i put on this page is to support tove. not to promote your radio station or anything else. i'm really tired of seeing my posts on tumblr used in ways that i do not support or agree with (and i'm sure as hell tove doesn't either). this isn't what this page is here for. and i am not tove, tove is @トーヴ・ロー (i think i've said that about 50 million times and she's FUCKING VERIFIED FOR HEAVENS SAKE DAMN) [sorry i'm just really upset]. please don't take my posts and use them unless you have my permission. if you are reposting a picture on your tove fan page, go ahead. but if you are using it in any other way, don't unless you have my permission. thanks.

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