パク・ユチョン(ファンアカウント)のインスタグラム(6002yoochun) - 8月20日 21時03分

[Yoochun's Weibo Live Chat]

Q: Oppa, what are you doing recently?

YC: Listening to music.

Q: Your favorite Chinese food?

YC: Sizzling platter eggplant~ I like Chinese food

Q: Oppa what do you think of your selca skills?

YC: I don't think I have selca skills. Actually, I don't take selcas

Q: Do you want to smack Junsu's butt?

YC: I'm not that kinda person

Q: I am quitting my job! Just for you! You're not even replying me! How can I love you?

YC: You need to work...or your mother will be sad.

Q: To this day, how many confessions have you received?

YC: I don't think I've received any.

Q: Favorite part of your body?

YC: My forehead foreheard [T/N: he repeated forehead]

Cr. Yochwennie


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