[TRANS] Yuchun's last message before enlistment (1) Hello, it's Yuchun. By the time this letter is in your hands, I'll be at training camp. Umm.. Can I just be casual? (T/N: can I use familiar form? aka banmal) We've known each other for a long time now~^^ I didn't really have any thoughts about enlistment for a while, but as I was doing photo shoots and interviews, I started to realize that I will be serving in the army and wouldn't be working for a while... I haven't had a break for a while now.. And once I came to that thought, it became real to me. I knew I had to serve in the military around this time, but when it came, the reality was hard to grasp. I decided not to have any regrets. I heard that many fans asked about what I was regretful about the most, but I thought it'd be better to think about what I was grateful for rather than dwell on regrets. I realized that, thankfully, I have received so much love and was able to work happily. Thank you so much^^ I'm not good at expressing my heart or putting my thoughts into words, but I really do want to say that I knew and felt everything in my heart. Thank you so much. Now I’ll answer some questions. I've chosen a few from the questions you gave me. What if I wasn't a celebrity? I think I would've been a composer or a novelist? Umm... I think so. Many of you asked what food I would miss the most at the training camp, but Jaejoong hyung says anything tastes good in the training camps. I don't think I would want to eat one food in particular.. What do I want to work on after I finish my service? Umm... I had a drink with Kyung-Gu hyung and I told him that I definitely wanted to work with him on a movie. I have so much to learn from him as an actor, and he is like a warm-hearted brother to me, so I really want to work with him in the future. Person I would miss the most will always be my father. As I grow older and take on more responsibilities, I have so much to ask him, but he's not here. I miss him all the time. Vacation homework for my fans will be health and happiness!! As for me, I want to learn Chinese and read a lot of books. Will this answer be enough?

6002yoochunさん(@6002yoochun)が投稿した動画 -

パク・ユチョン(ファンアカウント)のインスタグラム(6002yoochun) - 8月27日 21時56分

[TRANS] Yuchun's last message before enlistment (1)

Hello, it's Yuchun.
By the time this letter is in your hands, I'll be at training camp. Umm.. Can I just be casual? (T/N: can I use familiar form? aka banmal) We've known each other for a long time now~^^
I didn't really have any thoughts about enlistment for a while, but as I was doing photo shoots and interviews, I started to realize that I will be serving in the army and wouldn't be working for a while... I haven't had a break for a while now.. And once I came to that thought, it became real to me. I knew I had to serve in the military around this time, but when it came, the reality was hard to grasp. I decided not to have any regrets. I heard that many fans asked about what I was regretful about the most, but I thought it'd be better to think about what I was grateful for rather than dwell on regrets. I realized that, thankfully, I have received so much love and was able to work happily. Thank you so much^^
I'm not good at expressing my heart or putting my thoughts into words, but I really do want to say that I knew and felt everything in my heart. Thank you so much.
Now I’ll answer some questions.
I've chosen a few from the questions you gave me.
What if I wasn't a celebrity? I think I would've been a composer or a novelist? Umm... I think so.
Many of you asked what food I would miss the most at the training camp, but Jaejoong hyung says anything tastes good in the training camps. I don't think I would want to eat one food in particular..
What do I want to work on after I finish my service? Umm... I had a drink with Kyung-Gu hyung and I told him that I definitely wanted to work with him on a movie. I have so much to learn from him as an actor, and he is like a warm-hearted brother to me, so I really want to work with him in the future.
Person I would miss the most will always be my father. As I grow older and take on more responsibilities, I have so much to ask him, but he's not here. I miss him all the time.
Vacation homework for my fans will be health and happiness!! As for me, I want to learn Chinese and read a lot of books.
Will this answer be enough?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




