パク・ユチョン(ファンアカウント)のインスタグラム(6002yoochun) - 11月30日 20時50分

? It will gradually get better, the conclusion that I made alone
The day that scattered and disappeared like dust

The day I only let out sighs
I can’t stand it anymore
The season when someone came to me

The cold winter came to the tip of my nose first
Though I prayed that it would never come
My warm hands have now become colorless
I need to go somewhere once again

Hoping that there is a way, my hands stole my tears
The dizzy air makes me suffocate
I quietly close my eyes again and pray for tomorrow to come
The cold air brings winter to me once again ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




