Kindly reframe from reposting or sharing photos or video clip from Kim Soo Hyun Japan site!!! It is paid content for exclusive member, and the share is prohibited. . Please DO NOT share any exclusive photos or related video clips from ZUK mobile phone. ZUK has put up a notice that sharing is prohibited. #Repost @chi_ksh with @repostapp ・・・ The agreement of the KimSooHyun mobile site of Japan is the same, too ◎As for all rights including the editing copyright about this service, all rights including us or the copyright belong to a third party consenting to the use of the right concerned having us or a copyright in us. ◎A visitor forbids reproduction, copying, accumulation or transferring it by the contents(KimSooHyun's Photograph, Movie) of this service without permission. #리얼 #영화리얼 #장태영 #jangtaeyeong #장사장님 #김수현 #real #filmreal #kimsoohyun #キムスヒョン #金秀賢 #KSH日本極東星団 #일본극동성단 #JapanFarEastSC @soohyun_k216 #KEYEAST 実は色々と難しい部分を孕んでいます。 厳密に言うと全ての画像も動画もアウトだし、だからと言ってファンの応援に欠かせないものでもあるしで。 ここで扱っているのは、有料コンテンツのデータのSNS流出の禁止問題。 暗黙の了解的に動いている部分もありますが、非常に難しいです。 1番わかりやすいのは、営利目的(売れば)であれば完全にアウトであるということ。営利目的とは、スヒョナをどのような形であっても、公式以外が商売に利用してはならぬという事。それ以外は個人で楽しむ場合でも常にグレーゾーンであると言うのは確かであります...

kshyun216さん(@kshyun216)が投稿した動画 -

キム・スヒョンのインスタグラム(kshyun216) - 4月18日 10時57分

Kindly reframe from reposting or sharing photos or video clip from Kim Soo Hyun Japan site!!! It is paid content for exclusive member, and the share is prohibited. .
Please DO NOT share any exclusive photos or related video clips from ZUK mobile phone. ZUK has put up a notice that sharing is prohibited.
#Repost @chi_ksh with @repostapp

The agreement of the KimSooHyun mobile site of Japan is the same, too ◎As for all rights including the editing copyright about this service, all rights including us or the copyright belong to a third party consenting to the use of the right concerned having us or a copyright in us. ◎A visitor forbids reproduction, copying, accumulation or transferring it by the contents(KimSooHyun's Photograph, Movie) of this service without permission. #리얼 #영화리얼 #장태영 #jangtaeyeong #장사장님 #김수현 #real #filmreal #kimsoohyun #キムスヒョン #金秀賢 #KSH日本極東星団 #일본극동성단 #JapanFarEastSC @キム・スヒョン




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