エミリー・ブラウニングのインスタグラム(emilyjanebrowning) - 5月14日 11時17分

How do people sit perfectly still and upright for the duration of a five hour flight, whilst seemingly not even coming close to the brink of a rage-seizure? Do you think that they're really and truly comfortable? Or do these people simply possess unshakeable manners? Am I the odd one out for developing super aggressive ants in my pants any time that I'm required to sit on a plane for longer than six minutes? Or are these vv chill motherf***ers just really good at ignoring the itch? Are they even cognizant of the fact that we are in a flying metal prison, breathing in more stranger-farts than actual oxygen? Does this not bother anyone else?! Serious questions ?✈️#delirious #planewine #DVT


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