パク・ユチョン(ファンアカウント)のインスタグラム(6002yoochun) - 6月15日 10時55分

[News] Gangnam police confirmed that Miss A already dropped her charges and changed her statement. She said that they had "sexual contact without coercion". Miss A said that Yoochun's group acted disrespectful towards her after she had sexual contact with him. After going home, she thought that Yoochun considered her easy (she felt cheap) so she filed a case against him.

Another article said the he paid her for sex but she was asking for more but he didn't give in so she filed a case. If proven that he paid her for sex, he could face another charges.

My personal opinion:

Before you ask why did he go there and why did he do that, here is what I have to say. I dont see anything wrong about him going to an adult entertainment establishment. He is an adult and he is a MAN!!! He was with friends and well all know what guys do when they are together. It was his birthday. I am pretty sure he just wants to have fun. I know he have an image to protect but come on! Let's be realistic. We can't always live in fantasy. He is not a saint! He is only human! He has needs too!! It is not a crime to have sex with somebody who is willing to do it with you.

Note: No official statement yet from Yoochun's side if what Miss A had said was true but like I said, in case it was true that's just my personal opinion.


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