パク・ユチョン(ファンアカウント)のインスタグラム(6002yoochun) - 7月11日 19時15分

I know everyone is happy about the news coming out that Yoochun is not guilty on all 4 charges against him. But please take note that the investigation is still on going and the police will probably wrap it up by the end of this week or until early next week. The statement they released was based on their INITIAL investigation. After that, the case will be transferred to the prosecutors. They'll probably summon Yoochun again together with the complainants and have an investigation by trial. I dont know much about law so you're free to correct me if im wrong.

Im saying this coz I know everybody is elated with the news but let's not celebrate too early then eventually we'll get struck again by another bad news about the investigation. Let's all patiently wait for the FINAL and OFFICIAL result of the investigation. We've been victimized so many times by media play so let's take whatever we read with a grain of salt. As for me, I am only waiting for Cjes' official statement that they will give us once the police/prosecution is done with their investigation. Until it is not official my heart wont be at ease. Let's still pray and hope that everything will be settled and will be in Yoochun's favor.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




