ハンビョル のインスタグラム(onestarbyul) - 12月18日 22時59分

너무너무 재밌었던 #소사이어티게임 ^^
2주동안은 정말 현실에서 걱정거리와 고민은 잠시 치워두고 다른 세상에서의 삶을 사는 듯한 2주였당.
14일가까이 같이 먹고 자고 모든 생활을 함께 했던 참가자들과 이렇게까지 정이 들어서 신기했습니당 ~ 한명한명 탈락자 보낼때 정말 그사람의 존재를 잃는것 같아서 정말 슬프고 너무 냉정했던 소사이어티 게임 ! 약간 임팩트없이 오래 살았지만 시청자분들, 제작진분들, 고생하신 카메라 스태프분들 그리고 함께 살았던 모든 참가자분들 너무 감사했습니다 !! Such a busy and exciting 2 weeks of #societygame. I truly had a lot of fun, settig aside the worries and hardships of reality for just a moment. I too did not know that frendships could get this deep eating and living with 22 great people for 14 days. Every time a person was voted out meant heartache for all remaining people and Society Game required so much objectivity. Thank you to all the viewers around the world, the producers and writers, the camera staff and all participants for a hard-worked 14 days. The program would had never have been possible without these people!!! 화이팅!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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