요오우~! 18년전 우리일산숙소가 진쨔루 공팽이투성이였대는걸 의심하는사람들을위해...빼애앰 우린진쨔루 이렇캐사랏구 이렇캐노랐다 매애앤내가 재미없는 바보같은말해두 동생들은우섰다 왜냐믄 다들 영양부족이라 놰새포들이 녹아서 도랐었다 차암나~ 우린그래두 서루가 있었구 함깨있었던개 소중햇구 사랑했끼때문애 즐거웠다 그래서 이재는쵀고의 추억이됐다! 그러뉘깐 요새 꼬맹이아이돌들 분명희 이거보단 편할꺼야... 그러뉘깐 한순간 한순간을 소중하개간직하구 문재들있으믄 잘푸러나가구 즐겨, 다는않이갰찌만 나중앤 너의들한태두 쵀고의 추억이됄수두있어 매애앤~빼애앰~! Yo~ for those who don't know or have doubts that our god house/dorm 18 years ago was truly a mold filled, non heated, non air conditioned etc... poophole in the middle of nowhere with 6 guys in a tiny bunker room havin barely a meal a day~ heres a lil clip to clear ur doubts~ yeah it was that bad and even worse... BUT thats how we lived & thats how we entertained ourselves~ because it was the road we chose & at least we had each other and that in itself kept us strong and not give up~ we tried to make the best of what we had and tried to think of other people who may have had less~ so some of u new kpop idols... u really don't know how good u have it... so u should try and appreciate what u have and try and cherish every moment because later in life it will be one of your most cherished memories~Trust me~ P.S. Im not trying to say if you're being treated wrong to take it, by all means you should resolve your problems to your standards BUT The moral of the story here is in life if you chose a road to walk and it is not as smooth as it seems at least for the time being try and make the best of it & see the positives &pave a better road for yourself because, afterall, its the road you chose & if u are determined the end result will be that much more rewarding~ BBBAAAMMM!!! #지오디 #fangod #박준형 #운계상 #안대니 #손호영 #김태우 #g5d #JoonPark #옜추억매애앤 #지오디일산숙소 #18yearsAgo #18년젼 #차암나 #진쨔루곰팽이투성이였다매애앤그냥아예함깨사랐다고팽쓰들하구 #mildew #지인쨔끈질긴곰팽쓰으였다매애앤벽애서두자랏구이불애서두자라구옷애두자랏구배개애서두자라서아마우리몸애서두자랐을꺼다 #면도할때분명희수염이않이라곰팽쓰를미렀을꺼다차암나 #아무리없애구없샐라구노력해두계속도라왔다그래서근냥포기하구아예곰팽쓰를강아지처럼키웠다그래두싸개키웠다밥이랑물두안줘두잘자라니깐차암나ㅡㅡ #수도물이땅밑애서나오는지하수라서비가오믄펌프기애물이차서고장나믄땅밑애고인물을퍼내야됐었다 #근대물을퍼낼라구땅애있는똑껑을열믄물반귀뚜라미색끼들반이였다그래서물하구귀뚜라미색끼들전래퍼내서펌프기를건조식킨후물이다시나왔다망할노무귀뚜람쓰들차암나 #근대한10시간동안밤색흑탕물이나와서항상망해쓰매애앤그래서동내맥도날드화장실가서몰래후다닥씻었어매애앤차암나ㅜㅜ #아또해쉬태그전래많이썻다미안쏠칫쏠매애앤 #쓰는대100년걸렸다쓰는나두눈이사퐐쓰읽는사람들두눈이사퐐쓰아암쏴뤼인재끝 #PS쭌아주분주분이않이구구분구분이다차암나쨔씩아이문까라망까라쭁아ㅡㅡ #빼애앰 #Memories #SeoulKorea #Kpop

godjpさん(@godjp)が投稿した動画 -

パク・ジュンヒョンのインスタグラム(godjp) - 3月10日 09時39分

요오우~! 18년전 우리일산숙소가 진쨔루 공팽이투성이였대는걸 의심하는사람들을위해...빼애앰 우린진쨔루 이렇캐사랏구 이렇캐노랐다 매애앤내가 재미없는 바보같은말해두 동생들은우섰다 왜냐믄 다들 영양부족이라 놰새포들이 녹아서 도랐었다 차암나~ 우린그래두 서루가 있었구 함깨있었던개 소중햇구 사랑했끼때문애 즐거웠다 그래서 이재는쵀고의 추억이됐다! 그러뉘깐 요새 꼬맹이아이돌들 분명희 이거보단 편할꺼야... 그러뉘깐 한순간 한순간을 소중하개간직하구 문재들있으믄 잘푸러나가구 즐겨, 다는않이갰찌만 나중앤 너의들한태두 쵀고의 추억이됄수두있어 매애앤~빼애앰~!
Yo~ for those who don't know or have doubts that our god house/dorm 18 years ago was truly a mold filled, non heated, non air conditioned etc... poophole in the middle of nowhere with 6 guys in a tiny bunker room havin barely a meal a day~ heres a lil clip to clear ur doubts~ yeah it was that bad and even worse... BUT thats how we lived & thats how we entertained ourselves~ because it was the road we chose & at least we had each other and that in itself kept us strong and not give up~ we tried to make the best of what we had and tried to think of other people who may have had less~ so some of u new kpop idols... u really don't know how good u have it... so u should try and appreciate what u have and try and cherish every moment because later in life it will be one of your most cherished memories~Trust me~ P.S. Im not trying to say if you're being treated wrong to take it, by all means you should resolve your problems to your standards BUT The moral of the story here is in life if you chose a road to walk and it is not as smooth as it seems at least for the time being try and make the best of it & see the positives &pave a better road for yourself because, afterall, its the road you chose & if u are determined the end result will be that much more rewarding~ BBBAAAMMM!!!
#지오디 #fangod #박준형 #운계상 #안대니 #손호영 #김태우 #g5d #JoonPark #옜추억매애앤 #지오디일산숙소 #18yearsAgo #18년젼 #차암나
#진쨔루곰팽이투성이였다매애앤그냥아예함깨사랐다고팽쓰들하구 #mildew
#빼애앰 #Memories #SeoulKorea #Kpop


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