宮野真守のインスタグラム(miyanomamoru_paradise) - 3月24日 16時12分

こんにちは!動画お待たせしました 😅 みんな元気でしたか〜?💖 今日からですね、久しぶりに、MamoDiseのリクエストコーナーもう一回始めたいと思います!✨どんなのリクエストも大丈夫なので、リクエスト送ってください 😊💕 マモちゃんのライフツアー ・ テレビインタビュー ・ ミュージックビデオ ・ なまこ ・ 声優イベント ・ 全部がOKなので、リクエストお願いします 🤗🎶
Hello it's been a long time (again) 😅 I thought that since it's really been quite a while, I'd like to open up the request gate once again 🎶 This time round I'm accepting all sorts of requests so if you have any, write them as a comment for this post so it'll be easier for me to keep track of all of them 😊💕 For those who are new, MamoDise requests can come in all sorts of forms - Mamo's live tours (performance/talk breaks/backstage), TV interviews, radio shows, music videos (and behind-the-scenes), seiyuu events etc literally everything and anything is okay 👌🏻 As it is, I'm having a MamoDise mental block as well where I don't know what type of videos I should post next so your requests will really help me out a lot 😂 The request gate will be opened for a while so go crazy with your requests~ I'll be waiting 🤗✨
#宮野真守 #miyanomamoru #mamorumiyano #声優 #seiyuu


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




