Shannonのインスタグラム(shannonarrumwilliams) - 4月13日 01時24分

Just finished binge watching 13 reasons why and I am just in awe. This show is so brutal and heart wrenching as it shows how dark life can be for people, especially for those who go through what we've seen happen throughout this show. I just finished watching it about a day ago and its still hitting me hard. It's not enjoyable but it is so relevant and needed for people to see as it pushes forward all the topics and real life struggles that is brushed under the carpet and forgotten about or just pushed aside because of how brutal and uncomfortable this really is. It is important to acknowledge it and begin having conversations about bullying, rape, suicide, self-harm, self- deprecation and so much more. Reach out to others and let people know you care. Everyone deserves to know they matter because we all do. 이 드라마를 못보신 분들은 이거를 꼭 보셨으면 좋겠어요.


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