CLCのインスタグラム(cube_clc) - 7月7日 23時24分

#CLC [#손] Hello everyone, its me again!
I know its been such a long time since I last posted anything at all. And I seriously want to apologize to all of you about that. Okay so, a lot of you might be wondering what I've been doing these days. Well apparently there's no place for me to go but to go to the company everyday. I actually have my own room inside the company. A place where I can actually have my own time to create more contents for myself and the team along with big space to paint and draw whatever I want! I also use the space to practice and many more ?

Anyways, apparently there's nothing exciting about my life at all... How about you? How is your life? Anything exciting happening at all?
Seriously miss you guys so much and hope to be able to show our faces on screen again soon ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




