レイチェル・リー・クックのインスタグラム(rachaelleighcook) - 7月13日 13時55分

So proud of this guy.
For those who don't know, my husband Daniel is in Uganda working with Oxfam to bring awareness to the staggering refugee crisis happening in many neighboring countries and cities there. Uganda has taken in millions of people who have been displaced as the result civil war. These people had to flee their cities and farms for their own safety, leaving everything behind. Now they need so very much of our compassion as they struggle to simply survive day-to-day in a place without the infrastructure to support so many. These issues don't get headlines anymore because it doesn't sell and that's just wrong.
A lot of people say, "Worry about the problems at home first" and I get that. Please do. I just want to mention that this massive problem exists. I was not educated about it but now I know. So here we are.
Also, there is something we can do about it:
https://www.oxfam.org/en/countries/uganda ❤️


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