リンキーのインスタグラム(tireddadtrepreneur) - 9月16日 02時32分

RIP @pika_outofthe_hole ?? #Repost @pika_outofthe_hole
This is so incredibly hard for me to write
Pika died this afternoon.
I can't believe I am saying these words.
I can't believe it's only been three weeks since we learned that she had liver cancer.
I did everything possible for her but it spread quickly to her stomach and lungs.
Pika is tough but she just could not fight anymore. She told me she was ready to go.

Pika died surrounded by our friends who loved her... and pink roses...and cupcakes...
She was a very special dog and i will miss her with every breath i take for the rest of my life. I know you will all miss her, too.
I am beyond grateful to our Instagram family for your love and support and kindness...
Special thanks to Mario and Penny @bulloveandfriends ?They lost their own dear Lennon not too long ago... We have a lot of beautiful photos and videos of Pika we would like to share in the coming days.
She was loving and courageous to the end... ?I love you with all my heart, Pika out of the hole.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




