エズラ・ミラー(ファンアカウント)のインスタグラム(ezrator) - 9月24日 10時57分

Funny story. Went out to dinner somewhere in Shoresitch yesterday. And straight out of nowhere I bump into someone, I look at the person for about 0,09 seconds and instantly realize that I'm looking at @ゾーイ・クラヴィッツ
In shock, I wasn't able to say anything, I just stared at her for solid 4 seconds. She walks away, and I start waving my arms to my friends like a maniac "did u see that?? Did u see that???" And they're like "WTF Maren, did u see a cute dog or something?" "Nononk that was Zoe kravitz!! And they're like: "what who" and I point my finger at the direction she's going and just as my friends see her, she stumbles and falls on the pavement. They burst out laughing and then we went out for drinks to celebrate that we just saw Zoë Kravitz fall.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



