クリス・ヘムズワースのインスタグラム(chrishemsworth) - 6月8日 18時54分

Today is world oceans day! My happiest memories have been spent in and around the ocean. When I was a kid surfing with my brothers and my dad and now being able to do it with my kids is the greatest thing I could’ve ever hoped for. Unfortunately, we are on a fast track to destroying our oceans and in turn destroying ourselves, every second breath we take is generated from the oceans and without them we die. Everyone needs to play a part. You can make a difference today – and every day - by doing simple things like removing single use plastics, carrying your own water bottle, coffee cup and shopping bags, recycling the plastic you buy, avoiding products that contain microplastics and volunteering for a local clean-up #worldoceansday #loveouroceans @oceana @parley.tv

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