ジェレミー・アボットのインスタグラム(idreamofjeremy) - 6月24日 06時42分

Today is #OlympicDay! I don’t know what to say about this movement that I haven’t said already. I have loved the Olympics and the Olympic movement since I was a child. It’s a special event that unites the world through sport. It’s about the love and respect of all athletes everywhere striving for a common goal. Anyone who has put their work on the line for this moment understands what it’s all about. We fight, we laugh, we cry, and we become a family through our common effort. Today we celebrate this effort and everyone everywhere working day and night for their dreams, as well as everyone who loves and supports them by lifting them up to continue on their path. Happy Olympic Day!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



