ベン・スティラーのインスタグラム(benstiller) - 7月3日 08時02分

With Jonathan, an unaccompanied child who traveled from Honduras by himself to Guatemala. He was fleeing violence and forced to go on his own.
This shelter, funded by @refugees is a loving and safe environment for children separated from their parents, either by deportations at the US or Mexican border, sex trafficking, or children who
have been abused and have no one.

Here they receive counseling, food, shelter. And most of all a family with each other.
Children should never be separated from their parents. The trauma is huge, as we all know. For some reunification is possible, for others it is not.
Places like this are the only stop gap from these kids being lost.
The energy here is amazing and the kids, despite going through incredible hardship, are so full of life and joy and incredible charm. It was the highlight of our trip.



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