アレクシ・ギレスのインスタグラム(alexegilles) - 1月1日 03時50分

What a year 2018 has been. You have been filled with many, many lows, & some highs, but I’m ready for a fresh year! It was a year full of life lessons & patience & I’m so grateful I have my family and friends that are near and far for support , love , and strength! Thank you to everyone and I love u all!
Let’s celebrate a new year for growth, health, and whatever our sights are set on! ??????? HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!❤️

[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) 更年期に悩んだら

>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



