長洲未来のインスタグラム(mirainagasu) - 1月11日 14時31分

The first month after surgery was, without a doubt, the hardest. One day I was doing triple triples and the next I couldn’t even walk without crutches. Even from day 1, I was a terrible patient. I stopped taking my pain meds on day 2 when I decided that I didn’t like the high from Percocet. I was constantly told that I needed to rely on my crutches more and that I was putting more than the allowed 20 pounds of weight on my foot. I had to sleep with a CPM machine that kept my leg in constant motion so that scar tissue wouldn’t build up. I’d wake in the morning, only to realize that I’d kicked my leg out of the machine unconsciously. Initially, I’d ask my physical therapist, “When can I get rid of my crutches.” After five weeks, that every day question changed to, “When can I skate?” Today, I still can’t do triples, but I can walk and run without having to sit down after a long period a time. HASHTAG #progress ??


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