DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 3月1日 07時37分

A v v v v v HUGE happy 60fh Birfday to our most wonderful Nanny!!!! Nanny, a few fings we want to say.
Firstly, we haz missed you so much since living in Melbourne. U used to snuggle us on de couch every single day and u used to give us all ur tea and toast scraps. U used to feed us an hour earlier than mum used to at night bc u always felt dat we needed dinner earlier so we could fit in supper before bed and then breakfast and lunch again de next day. 4 feeding times a day was v much appreciated and we miss dat. U made sure mum took us out all de time even if she was tired u would give her dat look of disappointment if we didn’t get our run dat day. Dat look of disappointment served us v v well and we appreciate u for dat hehe.
Nanny, u tought mum what it means to really take care of a dog, u taught her how to love and care for us in such a special way and we feel ur love coming through her every day. U iz a wonderful woman and we iz so v proud of u. Let’s celebrate w tea and toast tonight for old times sake? ♥️♥️♥️♥️


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