ジエ のインスタグラム(ach_caro) - 7月1日 02時21分

Please read👀💬⤵️
There's no way to happiness, happiness is the way.
It's your choice to smile when you see a butterfly, it's your choice to be thankful when you wake up in the morning, it's your choice to believe in magic when you see a rainbow, it's your choice to grin when you see a lizard🦎, a ladybug🐞, a squirrel🐿, a cow🐄 or a duckling🐥, it's your choice to let yourself go and laugh about that stupid joke or about your mistake, your stumble, your fall, it's your choice to dance in the rain, your choice to admire the flowers, to jump into the water, to eat that piece of chocolate, to cook that meal for yourself instead of grabbing something fast, to work out or to take that opportunity to calm down instead, your choice to read that book you've been wanting to read for so long, to sort that stuff out or to hit that friend up you've been dying to speak to, it's your choice to work towards your goals, to keep pushing throughout the obstacles that come along your way, your choice to clarify that misunderstanding, to ask that person about the thing you've been thinking about all day. 💌It's your choice to live, your choice to appreciate the small things in life and your choice to be happy.💌 #happy #happiness #Glck #dankbar #grateful #behappy #sunday #ㅅㄹㅎ #사랑 #귀여워 #예쁘다 #셀카 #독일사람 #lgbt #pride #queer #pridemonth #sunnyday #glcklich #smile #laugh #hrgerte #ci #hearingaids #cochleaimplants #hrgeschdigt #schwerhrig #deaf #hardofhearing

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