タイラー・ポジーのインスタグラム(tylerposey58) - 8月23日 03時06分

My adorable mother drew this portrait of herself. She wasn’t a little kid when she did it, she was in her mid 50’s. But goddammit was she proud! She just started to teach herself to draw and knew there would be progress if she kept going but wasn’t embarrassed of where she started. I thought that was so cool and sweet and innocent and just fucking perfect :) Everything about life filled her with joy or some sort of emotion. She would cry from happiness when my brothers and I were in the same room, or on the phone from missing me when I was across the world. She never denied how she was feeling or what she wanted. And what she was feeling and what she wanted was simple. Love. That’s it. Just love. Being there for others. Making people’s lives easier, being selfish when she wanted to (“leave mama alone she’s drinking a corona and dancing to Santana”) she’d lovingly say sometimes. I think her essence is what this world and everyone needs. She represented what we as evolved people should represent. Unconditional togetherness. Unconditional love for yourself and others. Her priorities were so simple and made so much sense. She put self love and love for all people above anything else. Granted, there were “assholes” she couldn’t stand but that’s another thing that made her so rad! She was so fucking unapologetic! And so rational so you knew to trust her judgment. She didn’t fit in the world that had been created thus far. And in a weird way I’m sort of glad she isn’t here to witness all of what’s happening around it. It would make her so sad. I see so many people finding validation and love for themselves in the wrong way. You can’t get self worth through likes, you can’t get it through how many people follow you, or from being on that billboard or on a red carpet. You get it from inside :) slow down. Check your surroundings. Breath in that fucking air that keeps us alive from some scientific way that makes no fucking sense as to why we are alive and conscious and have thoughts of our own. Nothing makes sense haha and we spend a lot of time trying to make sense of it. Social media and modern ways aren’t bad. But there’s something simple and deeper behind it all :)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




