クルーウェラのインスタグラム(krewella) - 8月30日 08時07分

my sweet KREW ~ thank you so much for the birthday wishes. 🥰 I appreciate the patience in advance as I slowly chip away at responding to msgs.. I am finding that setting boundaries with technology to be offline keeps my eyes and heart open to the ✨magic/mana✨ in the world around me, other beings, and inner self. That has become my solace amidst the circus in my cranium. 🤡 🧠 Most my life I felt like I am not enough or I need to be doing more, that I don’t deserve to be still, that my worth comes from being productive, and desperately needing others to validate my talent and attractiveness. That weakness has often been the driving force of my ambition, the longing to belong, and restlessness at night as my eyes burn holes in the ceiling . I have been excavating emotional ruins for those shadows, and I question, who is jahan? despite age, idea of self, learned gender, career title, partner, and social/cultural identity?. Sometimes what I find is nothing. An empty, quiet void; a black hole. A “sweet nothing” where time stands still and all my acquired knowledge dissolves and becomes meaningless. 👤

My wish for this year, and the rest of my mortal existence in the 4th dimension, is that the black hole of my heart unveils fertile soil for seeds that will blossom into a garden of eternal, unconditional love- for myself and other living beings. 🌹 🥀 Love is the only thing I can say is the TRUTH with so much conviction. Whether strangers exchanging brief hellos, my tribe & my team, former lovers & former friends, I am grateful for everyone’s presence and contribution to my past, present, and future life.
I am 30 going on zero. Now go set your own pace ! 🌀 Peace and love , jahan

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