フレッド・アーミセンのインスタグラム(sordociego) - 9月12日 11時14分

Thank you @mistercrawley and @ta_audio for arranging the in-store performance @flyingoutmusic in Auckland. Also for helping me pick out records by New Zealand artists. This might be the best record store I’ve ever been to, in the way that there was a real personality and warmth to the place. Thanks to everyone who showed up to hear some covers!
I had such a great time at the @skycityakl show but didn’t get a picture of the audience. I just have this one picture of the monitor view of the stage right before I went on. Thank you to @thesamisisters for being so funny and being a part of the show. They made me laugh on stage and backstage. Madeleine explained different New Zealand accents to me. Everyone was right, Auckland is a beautiful city. #comedyformusiciansbuteveryoneiswelcome


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