カーラ・デルヴィーニュのインスタグラム(caradelevingne) - 11月8日 04時00分

As General Election season begins, and to mark six months since the UK Parliament declared an Environment and Climate Emergency, @extinctionrebellion are calling for everyone to demand their governments’ plan to address the crisis... #WhereIsYourPlan
Through voices representing a lifetime, aged 8 to 80, their film demands that leaders around the world act on the climate and ecological emergency, including stopping the destruction of our forests, our oceans and our wildlife, reducing zero carbon emissions as a matter of urgency and investing in a green economy.
Join the rebellion: https://Rebellion.Earth/
International: https://Rebellion.Global/
The demands:
1. #TellTheTruth
2. #ActNow
3. #BeyondPolitics

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