ダナイ・グリラのインスタグラム(danaigurira) - 11月23日 06時28分

It was surreal to be presented the 2019 CARE Impact Award for Global Equality by the one and only Iman last night! She was one of the first to show me and other young African girls that we could hold our heads high as queens. Thank you @CAREorg for this incredible recognition! I’ve sought to combat injustice through the medium of story - bringing women to the center of the narrative, and making sure her voice is heard clearly and without interruption. You however, have been waging the battle on the frontlines with boots on the ground in the fight against global poverty and gender injustice for decades. It’s no wonder the first charitable contribution I ever made as a young adult was to your organization. As honored as I am to receive this award, I am also reminded: that there are still so many girls and women in the world in need of our support and courage. Whose potential may never be reached without it. Thank you for your example of what it means to stand up during these divisive times so that together, we don’t need to just imagine a more equitable future, we can live it.


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