Putri Anindyaのインスタグラム(puanindya) - 11月25日 22時11分

Siamese // these are photos about my happiness to find siamese cat in Siam that leads me to this wonderful old man. if you guys watch my stories for sure you know my siamese cat, Olin, that look like this cat! ⁣
It was in the little alley, near of The Deck, a rooftop bar where you can see wat arun in sunset. Suddenly, there was a cat walked out from under the car towards the old man.⁣

When I walked passed this scene, I asked @capra311 ‘s opinion, “should I go back and take photo of the cat and him?” Before he answered, my feet automatically took me to the old man and the cat and I have my mouth opened, “excuse me, May I take photo of this cat?” He smiled and call the cat out because the cat was quite afraid with stranger. Then he threw his meatball to the cat so I can take picture of olin’s brother!⁣

Another thing, about street photo, I have some questions regarding do I ask permission to the people when I shoot? My answer is most of the times I don’t. ⁣

About street photos, I love to take the image as natural as possible. But half of the time I also ask permission after I took candid shots of them. So when they say no, i already have the portrait but when they say yes, it’s a bonus :)⁣

You probably think i’m being rude and so on but it’s the beauty of street photos. To capture the moment that can’t be repeated. To capture the strangers that catches your eyes. The everyday scene in your own perspective. ⁣

You can ask more question in the comments I will be happy to answer :)


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