DARREN&PHILLIPのインスタグラム(the_blueboys) - 12月4日 17時14分

As you sit there scrolling on your phone
I want you to stop for a second
and close your eyes on your own
Ladies and gents,
I can’t sit here and not speak up now
let me tell you
There’s an issue,
we must do
something about.
If I was to tell you,
That as you sip your cuppa tea
Cuddled up snuggling
with Roxy on your knee
there’s another Roxy right now
Sitting in a cage
She’s cold and frail
She can’t even wag her tail
She sits every day just looking through the gaps
Just hoping for the minute
That they throw her the scraps
It’s the only enjoyment
That she gets in her day
She doesn’t get to snuggle
Up run and bounce and play.
Next door to Roxy,
There’s Pete,
he’s eleven years old
His family dumped him
on a train track in the cold
He was a good boy Pete
But he got sick and wouldn’t eat
So instead of getting him care
They just dumped him
Left him there
You see ladies and gents,
This happens every day
But if you’re like me,
it’s easy to look the other way
Because it’s sad,
It’s hard to look at in the face
So we pretend in our minds
That the worlds a better place
But not today.
Today we can do something about it
Let’s not fight it
Don’t ignore it
Let’s try stop it
We can do it.
All it takes is 5 minutes
Don’t get out of your seat
You don’t have do the work
Saving dogs out on the streets
That’s what the rescues do,
People out there every day,
Working their asses off
They don’t even get paid.
Not making a song and a dance
Just doing what they can,
So dogs like Roxy and Pete
Can get a second chance.
So you tell me
I can sit here
n fix the problem from my phone
Well you can’t fix it all
But you’ll give some a loving home
All you have to do is donate
A dollar two or three
And know some dogs this Christmas
Will be curled up under a tree.
Everything you buy this Christmas
Will rot and fall apart,
But saving a dogs life
That’ll last forever in your heart.
So donate now,
Tell your friends- let’s make a difference
Use your money to buy impact,
It’s the only thing that lasts.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everybody that’s already donated to our appeal. What a day! Theres still time to donate now if you haven’t already ♥️


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




