ジェナ・マクドゥーガルのインスタグラム(hevenshe) - 12月30日 13時33分

Sometimes you only catch a glimpse of what you’re searching for. Sometimes it engulfs you or you get to fully embody it for a time. Keyword: sometimes! This year I’ve been forced to practice not tightening my grip when I have something good or desirable in it. From things like inspiration and routine to relationships and money. Everything fluctuates. Your energy, your motivation, discipline, the good times and otherwise. Why punish yourself for experiencing the natural course of endings?

As many goals as I set for the year, I found that there are actually no destinations. And if there are, they’re subject to disintegrate within a week or month of “getting there”. A preconception I had about this year was that I would attain some kind of unshakable stability. That I would “figure it all out” and “get right”. Hilarious and humbling in hindsight. Change is the only constant! And neither healing or learning happen in a straight line.

While everyone is talking about their decade or where they were 10 years ago, remember that life is not a linear experience. Today doesn’t have to be better than yesterday or this year better than last. It will be what it will be. If there is progress celebrate it, if there isn’t try not to curse it. Just consider what deserves recognition in your life! Then consider practicing that at the start and end of everyday 😉

A beautiful quote I came across recently in a podcast with Alanis Morissette and Gabor Mate was “Under which conditions can I reach my fullest potential, and under which conditions is my progression inhibited?”. This is my new re-centering question. What’s yours? 💚


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