パティ・マレットのインスタグラム(pattiemallette) - 1月29日 13時09分

Thanks for sharing your journey with us @ジャスティン・ビーバー!! I know it has been anything but easy. I am so proud of you.
I personally think you’re just getting started. I don’t believe any of us have seen ANYTHING yet. You are so strong and brave and incredible. I have so enjoyed watching you grow up and discover who you are and who you were meant to be. I am praying for you and believing God’s promises over you. I believe in God in you and who you are. May you accomplish your maximum purpose according to divine design. I love you unconditionally forever! ❤️ Keep going and don’t look back. Don’t let the past lie about making you weaker somehow. May you come through stronger and wiser than you ever could have without your trials and journey. Who cares what they think? Just please the One to whom we all give account to, and the only One with authority to judge you. No where but up baby!! Congrats on @YouTube #Seasons release, we had so much fun. Xo


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