ジョン・チャンソンのインスタグラム(koreanzombiemma) - 3月12日 09時21分

Everybody makes mistakes, including me. However, you were able to own up to your mistakes and apologize. There were times where I was given the opportunity to make up for my mistake and I didn’t.
I appreciate your apology. It shows that what happened last Saturday was not just “a show“ to promote our fight.
This helps me a lot because some people thought I was promoting the fight and laughed at me, which stressed me out. So I really needed your apology. Your apology helped me out a lot.
I too, apologize for trash talking. I thought my fans were enjoying it but what happened taught me to be more careful. Also, I realized this was not the person that I really am. We have only one more thing left between us and that is the fight. I will fight you and I will beat you, I really will.
Please wait until my eyes get better. I promise it won’t take long. I’ll see you in the octagon. @briantcity


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