オバディア&サンズのインスタグラム(ovadiany) - 3月18日 02時50分

Dear friends,

The virus has drastically changed the everyday lives and routines of our families, friends and neighbors.

Our team is the heart and soul of our company, their safety and well being is our top priority. The Ovadia offices are temporarily closed and our teams are working remotely.

Our website will remain open with the warehouse working limited hours.

While we will try to do our part, we encourage you to act with care and kindness to those around you. Please support your local businesses and order in from restaurants. They are all counting on you to make it through this.

Stay safe, calm and healthy.
- Shimon & Ariel Ovadia


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




