ジョアンナ・クルーパのインスタグラム(joannakrupa) - 3月24日 03時34分

I want to see my child grow up and that is why this message is so important ! Guys everyone needs to wake up and realize what is happening in the world IS Real and the media isn’t playing it up to scare us. My husband just spoke w a friend in Spain that is in the medical field and thousands of people Young and older are dying because there is still people out there that are not listening to the government and not staying home! We are in quarantine for a reason otherwise this enemy is gonna keep spreading ! This is not a time to go out and hang out with your friends indoors or outdoors . This is a time for you to stay home and be responsible! Even if you are young and healthy and have no symptoms it can happen to you or u can be contagious and pass it on to someone else . Young people are also dying not just the elderly ! Parents have some control over your kids and make them stay home ! This is a worldwide emergency not a time for everyone to gather together! The government needs to step up and put out $10,000 fines for people that break the rules !


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