マット・ディロンのインスタグラム(mattdillon) - 3月24日 05時47分

One thing about being locked down is you have time reorganize your pad. Long lost items like this turn up. The original art work used in a 1998 @The New Yorker review of “There’s something about Mary“. I always loved it even if it doesn’t look like Cameron, Ben or myself. I like to think she made me look like #erniekovacs .
I want to credit the artist but I don’t know her full name it’s signed- Jaya. Anybody know who the artist is? And the answer is... Jaya Miceli @jayam66
#theressomethingaboutmary #thefarellybrothers
@キャメロン・ディアス @ベン・スティラー @newyorkermagcartoons

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