ペッペのインスタグラム(peppedesu) - 3月24日 19時01分

This is me in my little room in Italy, eleven years ago. Drawing manga everyday to get better. I have never learned how to draw at school, but I remember buying a weekly magazine in the local bookstall called “draw manga and anime, become a mangaka!”. It was pretty ridiculous and a bit embarrassing, I am sure that every kid who bought it at the time was made fun of as I was, but in the end I gotta say it worked for me. I might be the only one who bought the whole collection (60 issues at 7€ each, a total of 400€...) and the only one who actually became a mangaka. 😂

僕みたいに毎週あの雑誌を買ってた人は絶対いじめられたと思うw とにかく僕以外は全部のコレクション買った人は居ないかもしれない。毎週7ユーロで60回だから400ユーロぐらいだったんだ。まあ結局タイトル通りに漫画家になったんだけどな笑


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