カルロ・アンチェロッティのインスタグラム(mrancelotti) - 3月24日 23時21分

It was a pleasure talking to Mark. I wish him and all who are suffering due to the COVID-19 the best. Strength and courage to all. We will also win this match.

È stato un piacere parlare con Mark. Auguro a lui e a tutti coloro che soffrono di COVID-19 il meglio. Forza e Coraggio per tutti. Vinceremo anche questa partita. .............. @エヴァートンFC Carlo Ancelotti 📱 Isolated Evertonians.

#BlueFamily 💙

Carlo Ancelotti made a personal call to a devout Evertonian as part of the Club’s Blue Family campaign. Policeman Mark, 52, was diagnosed with motor neurone disease [MND] 12 months ago and is currently self-isolating as a precaution against the coronavirus outbreak.

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