ジェイド・ニコルのインスタグラム(jaydenicole) - 3月25日 07時09分

This planet deserves our respect. All living creatures have the same right to be here. As humans we are essentially a virus. We destroy the forests and jungles. Set fires. Pollute the air. Fill our beautiful oceans with toxic waste and trash. Completely destroy eco systems and hunt entire species into extinction. We use and abuse animals in the worst kind of ways. For food that we don’t need and is bad for us. I hope everyone takes this time to reevaluate their own personal choices and how that effects humanity and Earth as a whole. I hope we walk away from this a little less selfish and with gained knowledge and perspective. This trip was one of my favorites, you have to take many precautions to be around these magnificent animals and not bring any damage to them or their environment. It is so much more amazing it is to see them in the wild than trapped in tanks!! @robertoochoahe @ティナ・ルイーズ #fuckzoos


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