渡辺直美さんのインスタグラム写真 - (渡辺直美Instagram)「本日19:00〜21:00 YouTube Liveにて 私と一緒にご飯食べようよ生配信します🌸不要不急の外出をしていない方々。それぞれ家で寂しくご飯食べてる人もいると思い(私も一人暮らしで寂しい😞)ので、今夜、一緒にご飯食べよ😇 コロナに対しての気持ちはみんな同じだと思うので、この時に私が出来る事は、家にいるみんなをエンタメで少しでも盛り上げれればと思い、始めました。みんなが家にいる事に飽きないように、映画並みの長尺メイク動画も作りました😂 「不要不急の外出」(各医療や各仕事など様々な緊急の事情で止む負えず外出されている方々もいます。私達には分からない事も沢山あるのでこの表現で書かせてください) 今日イエーイ✌️って外で飲み歩いたりしてる人はいないと思いますが、私もみんなもこれ以上感染が広がらないように繊細に気をつけて支え合って共に乗り越えていきましょう! また好きなもの食べたり好きな人達と好きな事を自由に出来るように🌸  コロナのせいでみんなで人を責めたり傷付けあったりするのは避けたいね。  とりあえず今夜またお会いしましょう✌️19:00に食事だけはご準備していただきディナーしましょう😘  I’m going to be on YouTube Live today at 7:00-9:00 PM (Japan time) and going to stream “Come Eat a Meal With Me” 🌸I thought that there might be people who are staying at home  avoiding “going outdoors for things that are not necessary or urgent” and eating alone 😇 We all feel the same way about the corona virus and what I can do now is to cheer people who are at home  with a bit of entertainmant so I started YouTube. So that you won’t be bored at home, I made a movie-length makeup video too 😂 Allow me to use the term “going outdoors for things that are not necessary or urgent” since there are urgencies and reasons for needing to leave the house for medical workers and other jobs.  We can’t really be out like yeaaaa✌️and there probably aren’t people out drinking, but let’s all be extremely careful we don’t spread the virus any more than it has, support each other, and get over this together! Until the day we can freely eat whatever we want with people we want again 🌸We don’t want to blame people or hurt because of this virus.  I’ll see you all tonight✌️Just have your dinner ready at 7:00 PM😘 YouTube link in my profile!」3月28日 18時05分 - watanabenaomi703

渡辺直美のインスタグラム(watanabenaomi703) - 3月28日 18時05分

YouTube Liveにて



I’m going to be on YouTube Live today at 7:00-9:00 PM (Japan time) and going to stream “Come Eat a Meal With Me” 🌸I thought that there might be people who are staying at home avoiding “going outdoors for things that are not necessary or urgent” and eating alone 😇
We all feel the same way about the corona virus and what I can do now is to cheer people who are at home with a bit of entertainmant so I started YouTube. So that you won’t be bored at home, I made a movie-length makeup video too 😂
Allow me to use the term “going outdoors for things that are not necessary or urgent” since there are urgencies and reasons for needing to leave the house for medical workers and other jobs.
We can’t really be out like yeaaaa✌️and there probably aren’t people out drinking, but let’s all be extremely careful we don’t spread the virus any more than it has, support each other, and get over this together! Until the day we can freely eat whatever we want with people we want again
🌸We don’t want to blame people or hurt because of this virus.
I’ll see you all tonight✌️Just have your dinner ready at 7:00 PM😘
YouTube link in my profile!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




