マーク・ラファロのインスタグラム(markruffalo) - 4月13日 09時43分

So many of us are involved with charity during this pandemic. That’s commendable and beautiful and right. What the pandemic has also shown us is that our charity is only a bandaid on a cancerous economic system. If this system was economically just. If we had universal healthcare, living wages, childcare, racial justice, and guaranteed food and shelter, we wouldn’t have this mad scramble to raise funds for the people in need. We wouldn’t have this level of death and suffering in the richest nation in world.
We would be safe to weather out this storm more equally, together. Now, the inequality inherent in our economic system is laid bare. Brown people, and the poor, and working poor suffering the greatest losses. There is truly enough for all. But not when so much is hoarded by so few. The religious prophets we are honoring at this time knew this. They fought and died for it in one way or another. Let’s hope and pray there is a moral resurrection in this triple holy season brought on by the collapse and disruption of COVID-19. Funny that Jesus fought against an unjust empire. The virus itself is a crown. The virus is showing us how wrong we have it now morally, economically and spiritually. Happy Easter, Ramadan, and Passover to all.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



