マリナ・デュランダのインスタグラム(dmarishka) - 4月26日 20時24分

Hi guys 👋
It is really wonderful to see so much athletic activity going across Instagram these days!
As a person involved in the world of Olympic sports, I am personally very happy about it! It’s a pleasure seeing people being active under these unprecedented circumstances!
After 16 years of daily trainings and competitions in professional sport, I feel that my body is just so in need of an active lifestyle.
Here is my Sunday morning glutes and lower body workout. A band and good mood is all you need.

How is your home quarantine going? Are you working out, reading or Netflix and chilling?
#quarantine #workout #olympian #glutes #lowerbody #beingactive #active #lifestyle


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




