ルーディ・リンのインスタグラム(ludilin) - 5月1日 09時47分

I’M CALLING YOU OUT. I know you’re scared but the racist attacks on Asians is unacceptable and MUST STOP.

We’ve come together to speak out against these attacks motivated by hatred and misinformation. If you are with us, set an example by reaching out in friendship and acceptance in spite of these hard times. More than ever we must band together and come out stronger than ever! Let the world know in no uncertain terms that an attack on any race is an attack on the human race.
We’re not alone. Swipe right to see the other movements fighting for justice, racial equality and world peace.
Communicate and #Elimin8hate.
Save the fate of the Human Race. #washthehate #facesofthecure #representationmatters #iamnotavirus #racismisavirus #hateisavirus #dontberacist

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